Additional Resources

Below you will find a selection of important reports, frameworks and other resources which have important implications for Lived Experience Workforce development. Links to summaries and/or full-length texts are provided below. This list will grow over time and is not intended to be exhaustive.

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What will it take for peers to have an equal voice in decision making? [Transcript from the National Association of Peer Supporters Conference]

Byrne, L. (2023)

What’s in the National Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Development Guidelines and Where to Find What You’re Looking For

Chapman, M., Byrne, L. (2022)

National Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Development Guidelines

Byrne, L., Wang, L., Roennfeldt, H., Chapman, M., Darwin, L., Castles, C., Craze, L., Saunders, M. (2021)

Mental Health: Productivity Commission Inquiry Report, Actions and Findings

Parl Paper No. 95, 30 June 2020

Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System: Final Report, Summary and Recommendations

Parl Paper No. 202, Session 2018–21 (document 1 of 6).