Lived Experience Leadership

At the forefront of Lived Experience led research into Lived Experience Workforce development

Check out our Lived Experience Training website with courses to embed the research findings and build strong understanding of Lived and Living Experience workforces and practice

Dr. Louise Byrne

Increasingly, designated Lived and Living Experience roles are being employed in support services and beyond. Designated roles have two distinct perspectives and ways of working and are informed by either: 

     1. Personal first-hand, life-changing experiences, with significant distress and adversity, service use or attempts to access services, periods of healing/personal recovery; or

     2. Life-changing experiences supporting someone with significant distress and adversity, service use or attempts to access services, periods of healing/personal recovery.

Research indicates that both types of Living and Lived Experience informed roles contribute to improved wellbeing for people accessing support services, their family and significant others, and potentially for the wider workforce. However, there is currently limited understanding about Lived Experience work and why it’s important. 

Lived Experience Leadership features 14 years of research studies led by Lived Experience researcher Dr Louise Byrne. Studies were conducted in Australia and internationally and focus on the Lived Experience workforces in a range of settings, to foster better understanding and respect for our distinct disciplines and build clarity  on what makes this work unique and valuable.

People who participated in the research worked predominantly in the mental health and alcohol and other drug sectors. However, a great deal of findings are transferable to other Lived Experience specialities, particularly in relation to organisational readiness, culture, processes and strategies.  

Lived Experience Leadership provides clear and simple to read research summaries to allow community members and people employed within various industries access to peer-reviewed research findings, usually only available in scientific journals. This material is provided free of charge and can be freely shared, with the goal of allowing more people the opportunity to easily understand and apply contemporary evidence within their own workplace.  This website also includes easy to download definitions and audio/visual resources. The website will continue to grow to include larger collections of our research.

Lived Experience Training

Check out our website with courses to embed the research findings and build strong understanding of Lived and Living Experience workforces and practice.